部分交易会将客户的比特币现金付款直接发送到你的企业钱包中,例如 Bitcoin.com 钱包。另一些则会自动将比特币现金转换为你指定的货币,然后再存入你的银行帐户
BitPay 专门帮助企业接收客户的比特币现金和比特币核心。\n客户付款后,BitPay 会自动将比特币兑换为商家的首选货币,然后存入相应的银行帐户。
Coinbase Commerce 让商家能够接受比特币现金、比特币核心钱包等加密货币付款方式 。\n这些款项都会存入用户管理的钱包中,保证商家拥有资金的绝对支配权。
Gourl.io 是全球在线加密货币支付解决方案提供商。Gourl.io 是一个由比特币和山寨币支付协议支持的支付平台,供应商和消费者可以在这里进行交易。GoURL.io 拥有超过 18,000 家来自世界各地的注册公司和供应商。
一个单一的支付网关拥有无限的可能性。出售文件、程序、激活码、软件,服务以及更多选择。使用 Rocketr 提供的工具,你可以放心无虑地出售你的数字产品。通过他们的安全支付过程可接受贝宝、比特币现金、Stripe(信用卡)、以太坊、比特币核心以及更多支付。
CryptoWoo enables WooCommerce merchants to easily accept Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, Dogecoin, Litecoin, and many other cryptocurrencies directly to their own wallet or HD wallet, without middleman fees, and no iframes or redirections. CryptoWoo also has the ability for offline/cold-storage wallets to be used to receive payments.
A single payment gateway with unlimited possibilities. Sell files, programs, activation codes, software, services and more. Rocketr gives you the tools you need to sell your digital products without hassle. Accept PayPal, Bitcoin Cash, Stripe (credit cards), Ethereum, Bitcoin, and more through their secure checkout process.
CryptoWoo enables WooCommerce merchants to easily accept Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, Dogecoin, Litecoin, and many other cryptocurrencies directly to their own wallet or HD wallet, without middleman fees, and no iframes or redirections. CryptoWoo also has the ability for offline/cold-storage wallets to be used to receive payments.